Building Re-Tuning Simulator

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Learn how re-tuning™ and related Department of Energy (DOE) resources can help improve operations and maintenance (O&M) at your site, provide energy savings, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to meet decarbonization goals.

Re-tuning in Federal Buildings

FEMP’s Re-tuning in Federal Buildings webpage provides a brief introduction to re-tuning and information on the FEMP Re-tuning Challenge.

PNNL’s Building Re-tuning™

This website details Pacific Northwest National Laboratory’s Building Re-tuning approach and contains many useful resources including research highlights, FAQs, and more.

Re-tuning Best Practice

The re-tuning best practice discusses the basic principles of re-tuning and its benefits, as well as re-tuning as a subset of Existing Building Commissioning (EBCx) to address low-cost/no-cost O&M needs. Common re-tuning measures are presented along with a method for assessing if the building is a good candidate for a re-tuning project.

Existing Building Commissioning Decision Tool

FEMP’s EBCx Decision Tool assists sites in determining the best EBCx approach(es) to consider based on user responses. The tool helps users consider EBCx to address building operating issues.

Equipment O&M Summaries

FEMP’s Equipment Operations and Maintenance Summaries webpage provides information about common and emerging types of equipment across the federal sector and offers solutions on how to improve O&M procedures.

50001 Ready Navigator

The DOE’s 50001 Ready Navigator is a free online tool that provides step-by-step guidance for implementing and maintaining an energy management system in conformance with the ISO 50001 Energy Management System. It is composed of 25 tasks and includes requirements to develop an effective O&M plan.

Better Buildings Initiative

Better Buildings is a DOE initiative designed to improve the lives of Americans by driving leadership in energy innovation. Through Better Buildings, DOE partners with leaders in the public and private sectors to make the nation’s homes, commercial buildings, and industrial plants more energy efficient by accelerating investment and sharing of successful best practices.

Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings (GEBs)

Learn more about the DOE Building Technology Office’s GEB Initiative, which combines energy efficiency, strategic integration of renewables, and demand flexibility technologies and techniques to dynamically reduce and shift building energy use.